Profile Mug

Hello I am Dennis Williams. I have 26 years of experience with all inclusive Web site engineering to include database schema design and development, front-end and back-end interaction and programming, as well as all facets of domain Web site hosting.

For any interest in my services and/or consulting, feel free to contact me. Work references, client project work details (in general), and coding samples can be provided upon request.


  • Responsive & CMS Web Developer

    Responsive & CMS Web Developer

    April 2013 – December 2013

    Design/development lead on 3 responsive Web site conversions. Lead developer on proprietary CMS system based on PHP Zend Framework.

  • Technology and Development Manager

    Technology and Development Manager

    December 2013 – Present

    Management and development on a variety of client Web sites. WordPress management, custom plugin/module and UI development. Magento e-commerce platform development and product management. Managing all aspects of physical and cloud-based hosting and database servers, PCI compliance, Web server security, Ad Hoc SQL reporting/data mining on database systems.

  • Real Estate Data Developer

    Real Estate Data Developer

    March 2009 – October 2011

    Primary Web developer for back-end architecture and deployment services for Real Estate IDX data feeds, Real Estate related administrative applications. Co-development on several e-commerce retail Web sites. WordPress CMS installation/management. Magento e-commerce platform support/consultant. Co-development for Real Estate mapping and Geo-coding sync services. Management of hosted client Web sites, and dedicated hosting services; DNS, MX (Email), Databases and Web Servers. Ad Hoc SQL reporting/data mining on MySQL database systems

  • Lead Web Developer

    Lead Web Developer

    October 2011 – April 2013

    WordPress & Drupal CMS installation/management, plugin/module development. Custom Web application and UI/UX development. Magento e-commerce platform support/consultant. Managing lead on hosted client Web sites and dedicated hosting services; DNS, MX (Email), Database and Web Servers. Ad Hoc SQL reporting/data mining on MySQL database systems

  • Front End Web Developer

    Front End Web Developer

    August 2006 – March 2007

    Front-end Web development (JavaScript/UI) team member for large ERP Intranet applications. Primary front-end Web developer for ERP member’s calendaring and event management module.

  • Primary Web Developer

    Primary Web Developer

    March 2007 – March 2009

    Primary developer for corporate Web presence. Primary developer for company e-commerce efforts. Primary developer for Intranet Web-based CRM apps. WordPress CMS installation/management. Ad Hoc SQL reporting/data mining on both MySQL and MS SQL-SERVER databases.

  • Technology and Development Manager

    Technololgy and Development Manager

    October 1997 – September 2004

    Web services administrator/developer for initial corporate Web presence. Primary architect/developer for private client-access Web-based applications.

  • Ad Hoc SQL Developer

    Ad Hoc SQL Developer

    September 2004 – August 2006

    Ad Hoc (custom on-demand) SQL reporting/data mining on all Oracle distributed enterprise database systems. Email and technical support for 3 corporate Web sites.


Web Technology

HTML26 years

JavaScript23 years

CSS26 years

jQuery17 years

AJAX19 years


PHP26 years

MySQL26 years

PHP-based Frameworks16 years

WordPress16 years

Magento17 years


Linux Admin24 years

SEO17 years

Google Search Console17 years

Google Analytics17 years

Web Hosting20 years


Zend PHP Development

PHP (recursive acronym for PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor) is a programming/scripting language that fits within a group commonly referred to as “back-end” (or Web server) languages. PHP is a widely-used open source general-purpose scripting language which is well suited for Web development and can be embedded within HTML markup.

Google Analytics Consulting

Google Analytics is a Web site visitor tracking service offered by Google which facilitates analysis/reporting of traffic data. Google Analytics provides visual overviews in a wide array of standard, and also very customizable, metrics.

Linux Administration

Linux is the best-known and most-used open source operating system (OS). And also, the Linux OS tends to be the more popular OS choice to operate and maintain Web server software.

JavaScript Development

JavaScript is a programming language primarily used to make web pages more interactive. JavaScript typically runs within a computing devices’s Web browser, and is commonly referred to as a “front-end” technology.

SEO Consulting

SEO stands for “search engine optimization.” SEO is the efforts of structuring web site content in such a manner so that it is presented favorably in search results — in accordance with common guidelines put forth by major search engines, such as Google, Bing and Yahoo.

Vue.JS Framework App Development

Vue.JS is a JavaScript Framework primarily utilized for the development of Web user interfaces, and most commonly, Single-Page Web Applications. Vue.JS compares itself to other JS Frameworks such as Angular, React, Ember, Knockout, Polymer, etc.

Laravel Development

Laravel is an open-source PHP web framework for the development of Web-based applications — following the model–view–controller (MVC) architectural pattern.

CSS3 Development

CSS stands for Cascading Style Sheets. CSS describes (or implements) how HTML markup is to be displayed on large screens, small screens, printers or other media. CSS instructions can control Web site displays for colors, layout and fonts.

WordPress Development

WordPress is an open sourced Web site creation tool written in the PHP language. WordPress provides a powerful yet easy-to-learn blogging and Web site Content Management System (or CMS) for both the professional and novice alike.

Responsive Web Design & Development

Responsive Web design is a methodology of developing Web sites in such a manner to where its content can be displayed appropriately in all major Web Browsers, for all screen sizes: Desktops, Laptops, Tablets, Mobile Phones and more.

Google Search Console Consulting

Google Search Console (also previously known as Google Webmaster Tools) is a free service provided by Google to optimize Web site performance, as well as monitor various other aspects regarding the overall “health” of Web sites.

Ajax Development

AJAX is an acronym for Asynchronous JavaScript and XML. AJAX is more a methodology than it is actual software, but it facilitates a singular request/response system of communication between Web browsers (front-end) and Web servers (back-end).

HTML5 Development

HTML, or Hypertext Markup Language, is a standardized syntax for describing fonts, colors, shapes, images and linking effects to ultimately represent Web site pages. HTML is not displayed verbatim (as it is written) by Web browsers, but rather instead render its markup as recognizable textual and graphic content.

Zend Framework Development

Zend Framework is a collection of PHP packages, used to develop Web applications and services using PHP and the MVC (Model/View/Controller) object-oriented programming methodology.

Magento Ecommerce Development

Magento is an open sourced ecommerce platform built on technology which provides online merchants with a flexible shopping cart system and extensive theming and template features. Magento sports built-in search engine optimization as well as best-in-class catalog and product management tools.

Ionic Mobile App Development

The Ionic Framework is a collection of technologies which facilitate the usage of the standard Web development languages (HMTL, CSS & JavaScript) to build and deploy native Applications for the major mobile platforms and devices.

jQuery Development

jQuery is a library (or framework) designed to simplify the implementation of JavaScript on Web sites. jQuery abstracts away many of the complexities of maintaining scripting consistency between the varying major Web browsers.

MySQL Development

MySQL is an open source relational database management system (RDBMS), based on the Structured Query Language (SQL). MySQL runs on virtually all platforms, including Linux, UNIX, and Windows. Although it can be used in a wide range of applications, MySQL is most often implemented to provide data support for Web sites and/or Web-based applications.

Development Resources

Codrops Playground
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Codrops Playground
MX ToolBox
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MX ToolBox
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Stack Overflow
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Stack Overflow
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A List Apart
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A List Apart


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    10411 Ravenswood Rd, Granbury, TX 76049